moving in november

Hi all,

We are moving over in November but can only bring a few cases to start, just need an idea what to pack to start with. Will I need winter clothes? or shorts etc for that time of year? my partner will be travelling back and forth and will be bringing stuff over with hime, just would like an idea as to what the weather will be like in November???

La Marina

my post is moving down.....hope someone can give me an answer???????

Commented karen in Almoradi 2011-07-03 21:37:38 UTC

Hi there. When we moved over it was the end of October and I have to say we didnt find it at all cold. I think thats because it had been so cold in England. It can still get up to around 20degrees here at the begining of November. I would say you will want t-shirts and cardigans, very light weight jumpers, short trousers that sort of stuff. I doubt that you´ll want shorts, but it really just depends on if your a chilly mortal.
Good luck with the move

Commented Nikki in La Marina 2011-07-03 22:35:21 UTC

The first year I moved here was in October and I wore my sandals, shorts and tops all through to March/April when it begins to warm up again. A local publican bet me 50Euros that the next winter I would be wearing jeans, warmer tops and light jumpers since by then I would be acclimatised. HE WAS RIGHT!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-04 05:06:44 UTC